Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Training and Learning and the Need for Networking

Training and learning are two functions that I believe need not to be developed by one specialist's expertise and experience. I believe that while competitive advantage is the macro-economic point of view when it comes to business concerns, sharing knowledge is universal if the world is to survive.
I created this website for two reasons:
  1. To document and share knowledge about training and learning, and, more importantly;
  2. To develop network of experience and expertise.
Documenting and sharing knowledge is addressed by knowledge management principles. Developing a network of experience and experience of trainers, however, is more important for the true purpose and ultimate goal of training is learning. Nothing else.
Training for business is to achieve business goals--that is why there is a strong need for training methodologies to be linked to business goals. Purpose-Driven Training, however, focuses on the Learner. And that is what this weblog is all about: How to help learners learn better and more efficiently and more effectively in both knowledge, skills and attitude.
While the website focuses on trainers, this network, as indicated in the header, is not exclusively for trainers. As knowledge is accumulated both from formal training (classroom or online) and informal means (professional and personal experience), the network opens itself to specialists and just about anyone that has competent knowledge about facilitating training and learning--whatever trade you may be in.

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